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Friday Favorites [7.29.22]

Happy Friday! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika to share some of my favorites that have helped me get through summer so far!

When e-readers came out, I fought and fought against one. Everyone who knows me knows how much I love reading and my dad insisted on getting me one for every holiday but I kept saying no. It wasn't until I traveled abroad and had limited space in my luggage that I gave in and tried one. I haven't looked back once! Ten years later and I got a new Kindle....the Paperwhite. The balcony at my apartment is finally finished and decorated so I've been sitting out on it more and knew I had a couple of beach trips planned and reading on the Kindle Fire is difficult with the glare from the sun. The Paperwhite makes reading outside so easy and the battery lasts forever! I didn't have to charge it once when I was in Mexico!
I discovered this sunscreen last year and am OBSESSED! I've always known Trader Joe's was great for food but who knew their sunscreen would be so amazing. It goes on nicely and is easy to rub in. It doesn't leave any sticky residue and you don't even realize you have it on -- even Stephen wears it without putting up a fight and he usually prefers spray sunscreen. As soon as I got back from my trip, I ran to Trader Joe's and bought two more since we used up my whole bottle at the beach.
I first saw these towel clips on my cruise and immediately came home and ordered some. How have I gone 31 years without knowing about these or using them? Gone are the days of the wind blowing my towel down anytime there is a slight breeze -- these clips keep the towels in place! I have enough for everyone during my next beach trip and I can't wait to share the love with everyone.
I recently had my friends over at Inkslingers make some hats for my travel agency as well as a friend who is a travel agent. I love how it turned out and I wear it all the time! I already have more merchandise I'm sending their way for them to customize. They do great work, are very meticulous and so easy to work with! They do all sorts of things from screen printing to embroidery and everything in between!
Did you see my July book review yesterday? It was such a good month of books and I'm looking forward to my last month of summer to try and mark some more books off of my TBR list. Speaking of TBR, what else should I add to my list?


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