Oh June, you were so so good to me this month when it came to reading. I was able to read seven books and loved almost all of them! I had a nice mix of books this month with two inspired by real events, three beach reads, one chick lit and one suspense/thriller. I started the month off strong with Keeping Lucy . I picked this book up on a whim while at a bag day of a used book sale. Those days always get me. As many books as you can fit in a paper bag for $5-10?!? Yes please!! This book is set in the early 1970s and is based on the story of a woman who is forced to give her daughter up because she has special needs and that would reflect poorly on her family. The daughter is sent to a "special school" and they have no contact with her. When articles are released in the paper saying how horrible the school is, the mother kidnaps her own daughter to save her. While the story is fiction, it was inspired by true events about homes that were labeled as schools for children with ...