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Honeymoon Adventures: Setting Sail and Gibraltar

 17 Days. 10 Countries. 1200+ Pictures. 2 Cruises. Infinite laughs and memories. Stephen and I are officially back from our incredible honeymoon and adjusting back to reality. Settle in and get ready to experience our trip of a lifetime.

All we saw in Switzerland was the airport but considering our passport was stamped there, we're counting it as one of our countries.

After arriving in Barcelona, we stopped off in our hotel room to drop things off before grabbing an early dinner and calling it a night after a LONG day of travel. This restaurant isn't open yet, but it's already Stephen's favorite.

It's hard to see in the pictures, but those are cemeteries and mausoleums built into the hillside. 

Here we are getting ready to board our ship, the Enchanted Princess (all my Taylor Swift fans, IYKYK! I also walked down the aisle to that song!) 

Look at my handsome HUSBAND all ready for his first cruise!

The ship was gorgeous and we immediately set out exploring.

The promenade was so elegant and a great place to hang out.

We lucked out into a stateroom at the very front of the ship and we were spoiled by the views and how large the room was.

Our stateroom attendant, Virgilio, was the sweetest and when he found out it was our honeymoon, he set this up in our room for us.

After grabbing a quick lunch, we set up shop on the deck to enjoy the views and read!

A perk of cruises: on-demand ice cream!!

Before we knew it, it was time for our sail away party and for the honeymoon to officially begin!

Ready for all of our upcoming adventures!

After a relaxing day at sea, our first stop was Gibraltar. To be completely honest, I didn't know much about this stop but I quickly fell in love with this port.

Our first stop was Europa Point. See those mountains in the background? That's Africa! Morocco is only about 14 miles away.

I mean we basically visited Africa, right? We were so close!

The lighthouse at Europa Point.

On our way up the hill to visit the WWII tunnels, this monkey greeted us as we got off the bus. We had been warned that the monkeys could get a little curious and rifle through your bags, but this little lady was so chill and loved posing for pictures.

Admiring the view.

Halfway up the hill.

Before heading underground to explore the World War II tunnels, we had to get our hard hats and listening devices.

Stephen decided he needed to help the soldiers out with their inspection.

These tunnels were incredible. They built 34 miles of tunnels for soldiers to live in during World War II. To help the soldiers with claustrophobia, they built these "windows" to give them a sense of being able to see out, even if it was just more rock wall.

Visiting an area that was set up for bunks.

These tunnels were unreal and it's so hard to believe that soldiers lived there for months at a time.

There was a little lookout point where you can see the airport's runway. Please note that there is a road right in the middle of the runway. Slightly terrifying, right?

Still so fascinated by the tunnels.

The tunnels had these holes drilled in them for water drainage as well as being built at a slight decline to allow for more drainage.

The night before the tour, our guide was informed that there was a yacht docked that's being used for a Netflix show/movie that is supposed to be released later this year.

After the tour ended, we wandered around the shopping district and found the famous red telephone booths!

We enjoyed a leisurely walk around town before walking back to port.

For some reason I really love how their yield signs say "Give Way."

As we were setting sail that evening, one of our new friends on the ship took this picture of the Rock of Gibraltar.

If you need help planning your honeymoon -- or any trip! -- reach out to me at for a free, no-obligation quote! I'd love to help make your dream trip become a reality!


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